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1 Introduction

This paper presents the results of double and multiple star speckle observations performed with the 2 m Télescope Bernard Lyot of the Pic du Midi observatory (France). Instrumentation and data analysis were partly described in a previous paper (Aristidi et al. 1997b). During the run of June 1997, we tested a real time system described in Sect. 2. Five stars could also be observed using the PAPA photon-counting detector (Papaliolios et al. 1982, 1985).

Double stars measured here are either long-period binaries for which the last observation is old, or stars previously observed by us and for which the companion's position was measured far from the predicted value (Aristidi et al. 1997b). Some stars were also selected because their orbit parameters are very uncertain. Two of these double stars were recently discovered as double: MOAI 1 (SAO 12917) observed in December 1995 (Carbillet et al. 1996, 1998b), and $\nu$ Cyg discovered by Hipparcos (The Hipparcos Catalogue, 1997). Multiple stars were selected from the Multiple Star Catalogue (Tokovinin 1997). All of them present a lack of measurement: unknown orbits, unknown spectral classes of the components, companion suspected from other observational techniques (spectroscopy). These stars were selected together with A.A. Tokovinin.

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