Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 134, 483-487
H.-J. Hagen - D. Engels - D. Reimers
Send offprint request: H.-J. Hagen
Hamburger Sternwarte, Gojenbergsweg 112,
D-21029 Hamburg, Germany
Received July 9; accepted September 3, 1998
We present a further list of 274 bright QSOs, 106 (195) of which have (17.5), selected semiautomatically from objective prism plates taken with the Calar Alto 80cm Schmidt telescope. All QSOs have been confirmed by follow-up spectroscopy and we display their flux-calibrated spectra. We also discuss the completeness of our search technique and demonstrate that for and we have been able to recover roughly 85% of known QSOs; 10% were lost due to overlaps while 5% were lost during the selection process. In particular the bright QSOs (17 with ) are potential targets for follow-up spectroscopy both at high-resolution from the ground and in the ultraviolet from space.
Key words: surveys -- quasars: general
Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO)