Up: Astronomy-related organizations over the
Heck A., 1997, Electronic yellow-page services: The Star*s
Family as an example of diversified publishing, in Electronic Publishing for Physics
and Astronomy, Heck A. (ed.). Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht,
(see also the URL: http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/starpages.html) p. 211-220
Heck A., 1998a, StarGuides 1998 - A directory of astronomy,
space sciences
and related organizations of the world, Publ. Spéc. CDS 30,
viii + 1068 pp. (ISBN 2-908064-28-6)
Heck A., 1998b, Geographical distribution of observational activities in
astronomy, A&AS 130, 403
Heck A., Egret D., Ochsenbein F., 1994, A&AS 108, 447-448
(see also the URLs: http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/starworlds.html and
http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/ starbits.html)
Up: Astronomy-related organizations over the
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