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2. Input parameters

The transmission tex2html_wrap_inline732 and the peak transmission wavelengths tex2html_wrap_inline734 of a Fabry-Perot etalon equals:
(Atherton 1987), where T and R are the transmission and reflection coefficients of each surface, t is the Fabry-Perot cavity spacing and N is the interference order.

Except where mentioned differently, I will assume the values given by Cavallini (1998) for a Queensgate Fabry-Perot etalon: R = 0.95, tex2html_wrap_inline746 nm, t = 3 mm, tex2html_wrap_inline750 and a telecentric beam with an f-ratio of f/192. I will assume in this note perfect optical quality for the Fabry-Perot plates and a normal incidence angle of the central ray on the etalon. With these parameters N equals 10909 and the Fabry-Perot FWHM in collimated light 0.823 pm. The wavelength shift across the pupil equals 1.865 pm.

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