We made the observations with the 50 cm ESO-telescope and 61 cm Bochum Telescope (AE, JP, AN, MG) at La Silla, Chile. The instrumentation included a normal UBVRI-photometer and a DLR MkII CCD-camera. Other observations were accomplished at the 0.6 m Swedish telescope (TO) at La Palma, Canary Islands, the Kvistaberg 1-m Schmidt-telescope (TO), Siding Springs 1-m telescope (PM) and the 70-cm telescope of Kharkov Observatory. The observations at La Silla were made mostly in B and V bands and UBVRI colours were measured occasionally to obtain colour indices for the observed asteroids. The observations at La Palma were made in the the B and V bands only. The reductions of the La Silla observations were done with a modified Snopy (ESO) and ASTPHOT (DLR) programs. All the data were finally corrected for non-linearities caused by observations during twilight.