A&A Supplement series, Vol. 128, March I 1998, 289-297
Received April 11; accepted July 21, 1997
M. Faúndez-Abans - M. de Oliveira-Abans
Send offprint request: M. Faúndez-Abans
CNPq/Laboratório Nacional de Astrofısica, Caixa Postal
21, CEP: 37.500-000, Itajubá, MG, Brazil
In order to enhance fine structure in direct CCD images of galaxies, transform processing has been employed: working in the transform domain, transform functions have been created and simple high- and low-pass filters have been applied to the images during the process. The results presented herein refer to a test sample of four galaxies: ESO 143-G7, HRG 54103, NGC 5193/5193A, and NGC 5761. It is also discussed the use of a Fourier-hologram image as a transfer function.
keywords: galaxies: ESO 143-G7; HRG 54103, NGC 5193/5193 A; NGC 5761 -- techniques: image processing ; mathematical methods