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3. Data reduction

The Perot-Fabry reducing software package ADHOC, developed at Marseille's Observatory (Boulesteix 1993) was used.

3.1. IPCS observations

In the first step individual channel images were added in order to build a data cube and observation cubes were the reduced into a wavelength calibrated cube (x, y, tex2html_wrap_inline3461). In the second step, the analyze of the detailed profile of the observed line within the free spectral range of the interferometer was done for each pixel. Then night sky and continuum subtractions are computed and velocity, monochromatic and continuum images were extracted.

3.2. CCD observations

First step is to correct each image of the data cube from dark and flat field. It was done using images obtained observing the dome. After the flat field and dark corrections it is necessary to remove cosmic rays and correct the cube from transparency fluctuations and seeing variations. We had considerable changes in air mass during our exposure times often longer than 2 hours. This correction was made using field stars fluxes. To minimize seeing variations during one observation, we have smoothed each scan with a gaussian function with a FWHM equal to the worse seeing that we have in the data cube in order to have the same seeing in each channel. Then this clean cube is proceeded in the same manner as for IPCS observations.

3.3. Phase correction

The phase map, obtained from the calibration cubes, is used to calibrate in wavelength observation cubes. The accuracy of the zero wavelength is a fraction of a channel width (tex2html_wrap_inline3555) over the whole field.

3.4. Night sky subtraction

In the red spectra (Htex2html_wrap_inline3467, [NII] 6584 Å), it is necessary to subtract the night sky OH lines passing through the narrow filter which are often of the same intensity as the gas emission lines we observe. This is done by determining the OH profile from areas of the field sufficiently far from the center of the galaxy to be supposed free from any galactic emission (Laval et al. 1987).

3.5. Continuum modulation

Even if the width of the filter is large compared to the free spectral range a modulation can appear on observed spectra, due mainly to the strong continuum of elliptical galaxies. Observation of a continuum lamp was used to correct from this effect.

3.6. Velocities, monochromatic and continuum images

From the individual spectra calibrated in wavelength the continuum map was easily derived and represents for each pixel the value of the mean of the three faintest channels, in order to avoid channel noise effect. To obtain monochromatic images is more delicate because, in the case of multiple components profiles, different maps can be produced for each component. In this case, it is first necessary to decompose multiple profiles in order to build cubes corresponding to each component separately. A gaussian algorithm fitting is used to decompose complex profiles.

Then monochromatic maps are obtained by integrating the monochromatic profile of each component. Velocity maps are computed from the position of the emission line. For interferometer #1, some uncertainty remains, due to the size of the smallest free spectral range and the possible confusion of the orders. Ambiguity is resolved by using other observations (interferometer #2, previous long slit or HI observations).

Monochromatic maps have a one pixel resolution in the center of the galaxies. Spectral profiles have been binned in outer parts (to tex2html_wrap_inline3559 pixels) in order to get a sufficient signal to noise ratio to measure and decompose components.

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