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A&A Supplement series, Vol. 127, February I 1998, 421-422

Received April 1; accepted May 29, 1997

The observed periods of Ap and Bp starsgif,gif

F.A. Catalanotex2html_wrap580 and P. Rensontex2html_wrap582

Send offprint request: F.A. Catalano

tex2html_wrap584  Istituto di Astronomia dell'Università di Catania and C.N.R.-G.N.A. Unità di Ricerca di Catania, Città Universitaria, I-95125 Catania, Italia
tex2html_wrap586  Institut d'Astrophysique, Université de Liège, Avenue de Cointe 5, B-4000 Liège, Belgium


A catalogue of all the periods up to now proposed for the variations of CP2, CP3, and CP4 stars is presented. The main identifiers (HD and HR), the proper name, the variable-star name, and the spectral type and peculiarity are given for each star as far as the coordinates at 2000.0 and the visual magnitude. The nature of the observed variations (light, spectrum, magnetic field, etc.) is presented in a codified way. The catalogue is arranged in three tables: the bulk of the data, i.e. those referring to CP2, CP3, and CP4 stars, are given in Table 1, while the data concerning He-strong stars are given in Table 2 and those for eclipsing or ellipsoidal variables are collected in Table 3. Notes are also provided at the end of each table, mainly about duplicities.
The catalogue contains data on 364 CP stars and is updated to 1996, October 31.

keywords: catalogs -- stars: chemically peculiar -- stars: variables: other.

Copyright by the European Southern Observatory (ESO)