Appendix A (click here) contains examples of the -band surface photometry
obtained from Plate J9229.
The profiles correspond to those thirty unsaturated objects
of lowest right acension.
The complete dataset can be divided into three parts: Appendix B, which contains the surface photometry obtained from each plate separately for unsaturated objects that were not inextricably merged with adjacent objects (but excluding Fields A and B in the case of Plate J4882); Appendix C, which contains the main catalogue (of galaxies VPC 1 through 1129); and Appendix D (click here), the extension to the main catalogue (which is reserved for those 51 objects whose images were severely contaminated by overlapping stellar or galaxy images, these being designated VPCX 1 through 51). Machine-readable versions of Appendix B (in ASCII format) and Appendix C (in both ASCII and FITS formats) are available from the CDS.
In addition to the complete dataset, we have included two more appendices for the convenience of readers. The first of these is Appendix E, which contains a summary catalogue of key parameters in tabular from. This is available from the CDS in electronic form as a LaTeXfile. The last appendix is Appendix F (click here), which contains a list of VPC objects with NGC or IC designations.
The parameters listed in Appendix E are:
Column 1: VPC designation, galaxies being numbered in order of
increasing right ascension (1950.0), objects at identical
right ascensions being numbered in order of increasing declination
(1950.0), those objects saturated in being flagged with an asterisk;
Column 2: right ascension minus 12 hours (1950.0) in minutes and seconds of
time; followed by declination (1950.0) in degrees, minutes and seconds of
arc (mean error of 1.5 on each coordinate);
Column 3: VCC designation and cluster-membership
assignment from
Binggeli et al. (1985), their assignments being denoted "B'' for background, "P'' for
possible member and "M'' for member;
Column 4: morphological type if discernable from visual inspection
of a copy plate of Plate J9229 and/or a VCC galaxy:
"E'' for elliptical,"S'' for spiral, "S0'' for lenticular,
"I'' for irregular, "BCD'' for blue compact dwarf, "pre'' for pre-merger and "pec''
for peculiar (objects that defied classification being assigned "?'');
followed by a one digit coding for the source of the morphological classification adopted:
[1] for the VCC and [2] for this work;
note that we have not flagged dwarf ellipticals because there may well be
a continuous range of galaxies separating "true'' classicals from "true'' dwarfs;
Column 5: apparent magnitude to the 25.0
isophote; the value quoted being the
of two values independently derived from Plates J4882 and
J9229 (estimated mean error of
except when followed by a single digit within the range [1] through [9]
which denotes an alternative source of
estimate or measurement:
[1] for de Vaucouleurs & Pence (1979) Table 2,
[2] for de Vaucouleurs & Pence (1979) Table 4,
[3] for Binggeli et al. (1984),
[4] for Binggeli et al. (1985),
[5] for Karachentsev & Karachentseva (1982),
[6] for the mean of sources [1] and [4],
[7] for the mean of sources [2] and [4],
[8] for the mean of sources [4] and [5],
and [9] this work when an estimate was made by the authors by eye;
Column 6: standard error on the mean value
when applicable; followed, only when flagged in Col. 5 by a code number other than [9],
by a single character "R'' for reliable or "U'' for unreliable
from the VCC;
Column 7: [total extrapolated] magnitude,
derived according to the procedure described in Sect. 4.2 (click here)
(estimated mean error of
Column 8: transformed [total extrapolated] magnitude,
derived from
via Eqs. (1) and (3) (estimated mean error of
<0.20 mag);
Columns 9, 10 and 11: -band Sérsic surface-brightness parameters:
n (profile shape parameter),
(extrapolated central surface brightness /
and r0 (scale length parameter)
respectively from Plate J9229 for galaxies unsaturated
all derived according to the procedure described in Sect. 4.2 (click here);
Column 12: equal-area colour if relevant VPC photometry unsaturated
and not heavily merged (estimated mean error of
mag), or
from the RC3 whenever possible if VPC photometry saturated;
Column 13: equal-area colour if relevant VPC photometry unsaturated
and not heavily merged (estimated mean error of
Column 14: heliocentric radial velocity in km s-1 (based on the
approximation v=cz, where v is approximate velocity, c is the speed of light in a
vacuum and z is redshift); followed by a one digit code for the source of the
velocity measurement:
[1] for Karachentsev & Karachentseva (1982),
[2] for Karachentsev et al. (1983),
[3] for Binggeli et al. (1985),
[4] for Rhee & Katgert (1988),
[5] for de Vaucouleurs et al. (1991),
[6] for Binggeli et al. (1993), and
[7] for Drinkwater et al. (1996);
when more than one velocity measurement was
available for a particular galaxy, the value that was adopted was either
the value with the smallest associated error if the measurements were in broad
agreement, or the value from the more recent compilation if the measurements
were not in broad agreement, i.e. [7] supersedes [6], and [6] supersedes
earlier compilations such as [5] (quoted errors vary greatly from source to
source but are typically of the order of 50 km s-1).
The VPC also contains:
U25 and isophotal magnitudes together with corresponding apparent angular radii,
mean surface-brightnesses within the limiting isophotes,
measured central surface brightnesses,
brightest overlapping isophotes with adjacent images,
) and (
) total colours,
position angles,
and the errors associated with various parameters (including radial velocity measurements).
However, these parameters are confined to the
the full version of the main catalogue.