A&A Supplement series, Vol. 126, December II 1997, 385-391
Received May 14, 1996; accepted April 8, 1997
P. Patriarchi
- M. Perinotto
Send offprint request: M. Perinotto
GNA/CNR, c/o Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi 5,
I-50125 Firenze, Italy
Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienza dello Spazio,
Universitá di Firenze, Largo E. Fermi 5, I-50125 Firenze, Italy
New high resolution IUE spectra of central stars of the planetary nebulae
(CSPN) NGC 40, NGC 6543, NGC 6826, and BD +30 3639 have been obtained
between August 1994 and September 1995 to explore the variability of their
P Cygni profiles.
The data have been analyzed together with
previous observations of the same stars.
Significant changes in the profiles of several of the
typical wind lines of the NV, OIV, OV, SiIV, CIV, and NIV ions have been
revealed in all the observed stars.
By combining these results with the ones obtained in a previous
paper of this series (Patriarchi & Perinotto 1995; Paper I),
it is found that half of the fourteen observed CSPN
exhibit changes in the shape of their P
Cygni profiles up to levels of in timescales of years,
analogous to similar timescale variations exhibited by
hot stars of population I. They are: NGC 40, NGC 1535, NGC 2392,
NGC 6543, NGC 6826, IC 4593 and
3639. The ones for which
changes have not been detected are: NGC 246, NGC 6210, NGC 6572,
NGC 7009, IC 418, IC 2149 and Lo 8.
The present paper completes the
survey of this type (at least 2-3 well separated high resolution
good exposures for each star) that could have been done in
central stars of planetary nebulae using the IUE satellite.
In a typical case (NGC 1535) we estimate that the changes
in the physical properties of the wind, resulting from the
observed changes in the P Cygni profiles, amount for
to a factor of
keywords: planetary nebulae: general -- stars: mass loss