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A&A Supplement Series, Vol. 126, December I 1997, 247-250

Received January 2; accepted January 23, 1997

Penetrating the "zone of avoidance''gif

IV. An optical survey for hidden galaxies in the region 130tex2html_wrap_inline839 180tex2html_wrap_inline841, -5tex2html_wrap_inline8455tex2html_wrap_inline841

W. Saurer, R. Seeberger, - R. Weinberger

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Institut für Astronomie der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Technikerstraße 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria


As the fourth part in a series of papers on galaxies in the "zone of avoidance" (ZOA) of the Milky Way we present a compilation of 1067 galaxies discovered during a systematic search on Palomar Observatory Sky Survey I (POSSI) red-sensitive prints. The region searched comprises 500 square degrees, at tex2html_wrap_inline849, tex2html_wrap_inline851. In addition to galactic and equatorial coordinates, we list maximum and minimum optical diameters derived from both the red- and blue-sensitive prints and made cross checks with the IRAS PSC catalogue. An asymmetric distribution of the galaxies with respect to the galactic equator is found and is compared to the locations of optically visible dust clouds and/or the distribution of IR-emitting dust material. There is a pronounced bridge of galaxies across the galactic plane at tex2html_wrap_inline853 which will be discussed according to recent results on the extension of the Pisces-Perseus supercluster.

keywords: catalogs -- (ISM): dust, extinction -- Galaxy: structure -- galaxies: clusters: Psc-Per supercluster -- galaxies: general

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