We have presented VRI and narrow band photometry of two
fields near the centre of the young open cluster
IC 2602. The VRI photometry was used to prepare colour-magnitude
diagrams. Through the use of theoretical isochrones, we have identified
78 primary candidate cluster members. Using similar techniques on a nearby offset
field, and through comparison with data on the Pleiades cluster from the
literature, we have estimated the level of background contamination to
%. The
data was also used to prepare
colour-magnitude diagrams. The location of the photometrically selected
stars on these diagrams reinforces the likelihood of their being cluster
members. Independent methods, such as a proper motion study, or a study
of radial velocities, are needed to confirm the selected stars as
cluster members.
We would like to thank Dr. M. Read for providing the UKST/COSMOS positional data used to determine star coordinates. Research at Armagh Observatory is funded by a grant-in-aid from DENI. Data reduction was performed on the PPARC funded Northern Ireland STARLINK node. DCF acknowledges support of a studentship from Armagh Observatory. SLH was partially supported by NSF Young Investigator award AST94-57455. WRJR acknowledges financial assistance from the PPARC, grant number GR/J25352.