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4. Discussion

Our observations show three well distinguished states of Z CMa.

4.1. The 1984 and 1989 quiescent states

In April 1984 the star was in a quiescent state mainly characterized by m V = 9.7 (Mattei 1996) and by the absence of emission components in the tex2html_wrap_inline1859 and FeII line profiles. In October 1989 Z CMa was in a semiquiescent state characterized by m V = 9.6 (Mattei 1996) and by the presence of very weak tex2html_wrap_inline1859 and FeII 4923.9 emission components. The extension out to -1150 kms-1 of the blue wing of the tex2html_wrap_inline1857 absorption component still indicates the presence of a strong wind with a terminal velocity comparable to the post-eruption one (Hessman et al. 1991).

4.2. The 1985 active state

In March-April 1985 we record an increase of 0.2- 0.3 mag in the JHKLM bands and our low-dispersion spectra show the transient occurrence of FeII line emissions (in particular, the 5169Å line with a strong P Cygni profile), a strong enhancement of the tex2html_wrap_inline1857 line and a sharp transition of tex2html_wrap_inline1859 from a pure absorption to a strong P Cygni profile, and finally the increase of over 100 kms-1 of the blue shifted absorption component of the most prominent P Cygni lines. Our data allow us to compare the behaviour of Z CMa in the quiescent-active transition state (April 1984 - March 1985) to the active-quiescent transition state (February 1987 - December 1988) described by Hessman et al. (1991). Thus we are able to confirm that the active state of the star is characterized by a strong enhancement of the outflow power, as strongly indicated by the increase of both the EW and FWHM of the tex2html_wrap_inline1857 emission component and the RV of the tex2html_wrap_inline1857 absorption component.

The blue-wing extensions of the absorption components of the most prominent P Cygni lines present in the April 1985 spectra have velocities of tex2html_wrap_inline2669 less than the values measured by Hessman et al. (1991) during the 1987 outburst. For this reason, and taking into account also the coeval low-dispersion data, we find that the state of Z CMa in April 1985 was characterized by a small eruption.

Moreover, the presence of HeI 6678Å absorption line, mixed with double-peaked "disk absorption lines'', further confirms that, in 1985, Z CMa was in a much less active state than the one recorded in 1987, in which absorption disk-lines were almost absent in the region 6610-6740ÅÅ, while a veiling effect, together with a strong HeI 6678Å line, was observed (Hessman et al. 1991). Finally, from the peak separation of the few disk-lines at our disposal, we measured a velocity lower than that measured in 1987. Therefore, in 1985 the accretion disk of Z CMa was crossing an intermediate stage of the shrinkage process and of the consequent keplerian rotation rate.

In general, the appearance of a photospheric line such as HeI 6678Å demonstrates that, during the active states of Z CMa, a stellar wind driven by the central star is overlapped with an outflow, as evidenced by P Cygni lines, driven by the accretion disk.

Considering the "mini-eruption phenomenology'' as a whole, we notice that the object Z CMa, capable of long-duration and very low-frequency outbursts up to 3 magnitudes in amplitude, possesses additional and important explosive characteristics, consisting in small-amplitude and short-duration eruptions which coexist with the big outbursts. For this reason we suggest that Z CMa has properties of both a FUOr object and an EXOr object. EXOrs are more evolved proto-stars which are characterized by small-duration (tex2html_wrap_inline2061 1 yr), small-amplitude (0.4-1.0 mag) and high-frequency (few years) eruptions (Hartmann et al. 1993): this seems to indicate that accretion disk thermal instability processes decrease in intensity and increase in frequency as the object approaches the ZAMS. Perhaps Z CMa could be a serendipitous example of a link between the FUOr phase and the EXOr phase. For this reason, we stress the importance of developing further models regarding both stellar evolution and accretion disk thermodynamics.

4.3. The 1996 new state

The most relevant aspects of Z CMa's behaviour in 1996 are the following:

1. The star is at a low-level luminosity (V = 10.24), with a red U-B color typical of post-outburst states but with a B-V color bluer than typically measured in post-outburst states (B-V = 1.15-1.20). The blueing of B-V could be due to a decreased extinction of the central star due to a strong decrease of the circumstellar envelope density. A B-V color change due to a shrinkage process of the accretion disk could be an alternative possibility as well, but we consider it unlikely as it would be inconsistent with the low value of the velocity of double-peaked disk absorption lines and with the missing transition of the spectrum toward an earlier type (absence of HeI 6678Å absorption line). The value (tex2html_wrap_inline2689) inferred from our double-peaked absorption lines, compared with the value (tex2html_wrap_inline2691) typical of the post-eruption low state (Hessman et al. 1991), together with the total absence of HeI 6678Å \ absorption line, proves in fact the existence of a semi-low state of Z CMa in January 1996.

2. The tex2html_wrap_inline1857 profile is completely changed from a pure P Cygni profile to a composite profile which seems to be a mix of a P Cygni and of a double emission profile. We think that this combination, never encountered before in the relevant literature on Z CMa, might be the consequence of a significant and possibly asymmetrical increase of the opening angle of the outflow. If this is the case, it could be expected that the blue-shifted small emission is produced, via mechanical gas heating, in the optically thin approaching part of the outflow where the line emission is restricted to the volume outside the surface of an asymmetric hollow cone or paraboloid. If one assumes that such an increase of the outflow opening angle really occurs, one can expect a general gas rarefaction as well. Such an effect could produce evidence of an optically thin and very extended outflow where forbidden lines can be found. In fact we record [OI] 6300 Å and [SII] 6731 Å forbidden lines.

Finally, the red region of the spectrum is characterized by the presence of strong emissions due to OI and CaII.

3. The star shows a residual activity, which can be inferred from the high value of the tex2html_wrap_inline1857 emission EW, from the presence of FeII emissions, of faint P Cygni profiles at Htex2html_wrap_inline2019, tex2html_wrap_inline1859 (Fig. 2 (click here)), and at CaII 8542-8662Å lines. The reason for such residual activity is, at the present time, not clearly understood.

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