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A&AS Supplement Series, Vol. 125, November I 1997, 529-537

Received December 20, 1996; accepted January 27, 1997

Absolute parameters for binary systems

II. The late-type system ZZ Ursae Majoris

R. Clementtex2html_wrap1130 - M. Garcıatex2html_wrap1132 - V. Reglerotex2html_wrap1130 - J. Susotex2html_wrap1130 - J. Fabregattex2html_wrap1130

Send offprint request: R. Clement
tex2html_wrap535  Departamento de Astronomıa y Astrof& #305;sica, Universidad de Valencia, Dr. Moliner 50, E-46100, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
tex2html_wrap535  Departamento de Fı ;sica Aplicada, E.U.I.T. Industrial, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Ronda de Valencia 3, E-28012 Madrid, Spain


New light curves of the late-type binary system ZZ UMa were obtained during a uvby and Htex2html_wrap_inline1116 monitoring program on low mass eclipsing binaries, that has been carried out in a six year photometric observational program (Clement et al. 1997a, Paper I). The main goal of the program is to obtain accurate absolute parameters for stars in the low and intermediate mass range, in order to improve the Mass-Luminosity Relationship (MLR) at the end of the main sequence.

This paper presents a complete analysis of the first tex2html_wrap_inline1118 light curves of the late-type detached eclipsing binary ZZ UMa. This binary system has been observed during eight campaigns at the Calar Alto Observatory (Almeria, Spain).

The activity wave superposed on the eclipse light curve has been estimated, by using a new iterative fitting method (Clement et al. 1997b, Paper II). The interpretation of the wave suggests the existence of two active zones of similar intensity, separated by areas at higher temperature. Once the activity wave was subtracted from the light curves, we adjusted the geometrical solution using the EBOP code. Radiative parameters for both stars have been derived from the light curves. Combining the masses deduced from the radial velocity curves (Popper 1995), with the calculated geometrical and radiative values, we computed the absolute parameters for both components. We can conclude that the system is composed of two main sequence G-type stars with masses, radii and chemical composition similar to the Sun.

keywords: stars: binaries: eclipsing -- stars: late-type -- stars: individual: ZZ UMa -- stars: fundamental parameters

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