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A&AS Supplement Series, Vol. 125, November I 1997, 459-469

Received October 30, 1996; accepted January 29, 1997

Properties of nearby clusters of galaxies

III. A 76, A 157, A 407, A 505, A 671, A 779, A 1700, A 2028, A 2040, A 2052, A 2063, A 2065, A 2593, A 2657, A 2670gif

D. Trèvesetex2html_wrap1142 - G. Cirimeletex2html_wrap1142 - A. Cencitex2html_wrap1142 - B. Appodiatex2html_wrap1142 - P. Flintex2html_wrap1150 - P. Hicksontex2html_wrap1152

Send offprint request: D. Trèvese
tex2html_wrap542  Istituto Astronomico, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", via G. M. Lancisi 29, I-00161 Roma, Italy
tex2html_wrap542  Institute of Physics, Pedagogical University, Ul. Lesna 16, 25-509 Kielce, Poland
tex2html_wrap544  Department of Geophysics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, 2219 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada


We present F band photometry, from digitized 48-inch Palomar plates, of 2818 galaxies brighter than m3+3 in 15 Abell clusters. For each galaxy, absolute coordinates, magnitude, size, ellipticity and orientation are given. For each cluster we provide finding charts and contour maps of the galaxy surface density. The absolute coordinates of the galaxies of other 8 clusters presented in the first paper of this series are also included.

keywords: galaxies: clusters of: general

Copyright by the European Southern Observatory (ESO)