A&A Supplement Series, Vol. 125, October II, 1997, 329-335
Received September 23, 1996; accepted January 10, 1997
R.E. de Souza
- D.F. de Mello
S. dos Anjos
Send offprint request: R.E. de Souza
Astronomy Department, University of São Paulo, C.Postal 9638, SP
01065-970, Brazil
Observatório Nacional-DAN, C.Postal 23002, RJ 20921-400, Brazil
Visiting Astronomer, Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
We present spectrophotometry of a sample of 26 Southern binary galaxies 17 pairs were confirmed to be physically associated with typical separation of . Pairs with velocity difference are probably not physically bound. A comparison with field galaxies suggests that galaxies in pairs tend to have a younger population probably stimulated by tidal interaction. No correlation between the young population and projected separation was found.
keywords: galaxies: interactions -- galaxies: stellar content