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1. Introduction

Mapped in CO at a resolution of tex2html_wrap_inline1809 by Lebrun (1986) and Grenier et al. (1989), the Cepheus Flare region contains a massive molecular complex at an estimated distance of tex2html_wrap_inline1811. The complex lies high above the Galactic plane, at a displacement tex2html_wrap_inline1813. A recent re-evaluation of the tex2html_wrap_inline1815 conversion factor in nearby clouds (Digel et al. 1996) brings its total tex2html_wrap_inline1817 mass down to tex2html_wrap_inline1819 solar masses, equivalent to Orion B and slightly less than Orion A (tex2html_wrap_inline1821). It is comparable in size to the Orion and Taurus complexes, but it contains no massive star or HII region and exhibits surprisingly little star formation. Extinction through the cloud does not exceed 2 mag (Lebrun 1986). It is therefore apparently a rather massive, but cold and diffuse, molecular object, intermediate between the dense, active star-forming clouds near the Galactic plane and the translucent, light ones at high latitude.

Because of its large angular size, the complex had been first surveyed in CO at a resolution so low that only limited information as to its internal structure could be obtained. To study this structure better, though on a limited scale, we chose the brightest cloud of the complex, located near the eastern border at tex2html_wrap_inline1823 and tex2html_wrap_inline1825, to be fully mapped in the CO(tex2html_wrap_inline1749) line at an angular resolution of 8.7', i.e. approximately 0.8 pc at 300 pc. This elongated cloud, which we will refer to as the ``eastern cloud", spans a region of 10 by 20 pc. The IRAS source 22343+7501, embedded in the southern tip of the cloud, has been associated with a 1 or 2 pc-long bipolar outflow, observed in CO and tex2html_wrap_inline1743 by Sato & Fukui (1989). No other infrared source has been found in the cloud except IRAS 22376+7455 a little beyond the southern edge. With no massive star, the cloud is almost free of internal source of radiative heating.

To determine the gas characteristics, a multi-transition CO analysis has been undertaken and observations have been carried out at the same resolution in the tex2html_wrap_inline1723 and tex2html_wrap_inline1747 transitions of CO and tex2html_wrap_inline1731. The weakness of the tex2html_wrap_inline1731 emission and the extent of the cloud prevented us from mapping it at all frequencies; instead, a set of positions has been selected as representative of the entire cloud, spanning both the brightness-temperature range and velocity structure.

The eastern cloud has also been chosen because it exhibited unusually wide CO lines in the low-resolution survey (Grenier et al. 1989). The higher resolution data show that the broad lines result from the superposition of two or three lines of normal width which drift in velocity across the cloud according to a peculiar, highly organized velocity field. The hydrodynamical study of this field, indicative of a slow, large-scale flow that stirs the cloud and spreads the line velocities between -8 and +2 km/s, will be presented in a following paper (Paper III). For the present purpose, the composite lines have been fitted by two or three gaussian profiles, which have then been treated as independent components of the cloud emission.

Surveys at comparable resolution of the Cepheus Flare region exist at various wavelengths, from radio to tex2html_wrap_inline1847 rays, to map its gas and dust content; the different tracers of molecular gas may therefore be compared in a single cloud. This will be done in Paper II, using column-densities derived from the present multi-transition study.

The following sections will describe the observations, determinations of the transition and isotopic line ratios and their variations over the cloud, and the derivation of the excitation conditions of the CO and tex2html_wrap_inline1731 molecules under LTE and LVG assumptions.

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