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A&A Supplement Series, Vol. 125, October I 1997, 175-182

Received July 26, 1995; accepted December 19, 1996

A stellar coronograph for the COME-ON-PLUS adaptive optics system

I. Description and performance

J.-L. Beuzittex2html_wrap1106 - D. Mouillettex2html_wrap1108 - A.-M. Lagrangetex2html_wrap1108 - J. Paufiquetex2html_wrap1108

Send offprint request: J.-L. Beuzit

tex2html_wrap1114  Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble, UMR 5571, Université J. Fourier, BP. 53, F-38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
tex2html_wrap1116  DESPA, Observatoire de Paris, URA 264, Place J. Janssen, F-92195 Meudon Cedex, France


The detection of faint emissions very close to much brighter objects is required in several different fields of astrophysics, for example in the search for planetary disks. We present here a coronograph that we built to work with COME-ON-PLUS, the ESO adaptive optics system, high angular resolution being of key importance in allowing observations close to a central, occulted object. The first results are presented and analyzed in order to establish the performance of this instrument in terms of contrast and detectability of faint emissions close to a central star.

keywords: atmospheric effects -- methods: data analysis -- instrumentation: miscellaneous -- stars:circumstellar matter

Copyright by the European Southern Observatory (ESO)