For most of the detected clouds the masses derived under the assumption
of a relative ammonia abundance of
are close to virial masses. However, in S 88 B the ratio
and in a few other cases this ratio is significantly lower than unity
which may indicate ammonia underabundance. Almost all objects
with the signs of underabundance are among the most
luminous IR sources in our sample.
Most of the mapped cores are elongated with
noticeable velocity gradients along the major axis. The highest
elongation and velocity gradient are observed in S 255.
S 87 has a two-component structure with 2 distinct
velocity components which overlap partly spatially.
In about a half of the mapped sources the line widths increase
near the peaks of the ammonia emission.
The kinetic temperatures are centrally peaked. They reach in
the center and drop to
at the edges of the ammonia emitting
In S 76 E a weak extended emission in the (1, 1) line at the velocity
blue-shifted by relative to the core emission was
detected. Hyperfine intensity anomalies in the (1, 1) transition are
noticeable in S 199 in addition to S 87 which is a known case of these
We thank J. Harju and C. Henkel for the helpful discussions, W.J. Altenhoff for providing calibration data for the 100-m antenna, K. Mattila for critical reading the manuscript and the anonymous referee for valuable suggestions which improved the presentation of the results. Special thanks are to C.M. Walmsley for many fruitful discussions and invaluable assistance at various stages of this work. I.Z. is very grateful to the MPG-AG ``Staub in Sternentstehungsgebieten'' for the hospitality. He was also supported in part by the INTAS grant 93-2168 and grant 94-02-04861-a from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.